Обои windows xp стандартные осень

Безмятежность или заставка Windows XP: история

Классические обои «Безмятежность», ставившиеся по умолчанию на рабочий стол в операционной системе Microsoft XP – это фотография, которую видело самое большое количество людей на планете: более миллиарда. Автор снимка получил от Microsoft более 100000 долларов, в то время как автор другого популярного «обойного» снимка «Осень» заработал на нём всего лишь $45.

Американский фотограф Чарльз О’Риер (Charles O’Rear) сделал снимок, получивший название «Безмятежность» (Bliss), среднеформатной камерой, когда ехал по шоссе в Калифорнии в январе 1996 года. О’Риер отправил снимок в агентство стоковой фотографии Westlight, которое через пару лет было приобретено компанией Corbis Билла Гейтса.

Известны точные координаты места, запечатлённого на знаменитом снимке: 38.250124,-122.410817. Его не раз снимали другие фотографы:

А вот так выглядит местность на сегодняшних картах Гугл:

Компания Microsoft выбрала снимок О’Риера среди тысяч других, имевшихся на тот момент в стоковой библиотеке, посчитав, что он наилучшим образом иллюстрирует философию Windows XP. Точный гонорар, который получил фотограф, не называется, однако известно, что он превышает $100000.

Любопытно, что автор другой фотографии, использованной в популярных обоях XP, под названием «Осень», получил несравненно меньшую сумму. Питер Бьюриан (Peter Burian) отправил своё фото в тот же сток Corbis в статусе «бесплатного изображения», так что Microsoft приобрёл права на его широкое использование за сумму, слегка превышающую $45.

Питер Бьюриан сделал этот снимок в октябре 1999 года среди сотен других, тестируя объектив для фотографического журнала. «Я был потрясён, когда осознал, что моё фото увидят сотни миллионов человек. Ни о чём подобном я не думал, когда делал снимок», рассказывал Бьюриан.

Читайте также:  Что делать осенью с золой

Вот такая разная судьба, разная история двух снимков. Один принёс своему автору изрядную сумму денег, широкую известность и (впоследствии) контракты с мировыми брендами уровня Lufthansa. Другой же смог разок сходить в ресторан.

Статья подготовлена телеграм каналом Диапозитив


Windows XP

For pre-release wallpapers and pictures, see Whistler.

Windows XP
Year of release 2001
Default wallpaper Bliss
Included image types Wallpapers
Sample pictures
User account pictures
Notable artists Charles O’Rear
Mark Karrass
Bill Ross
Roger Ressmeyer
Lawrence Manning
Agencies used Corbis
Preceded by Windows 2000 (1999)
Windows Me (2000)
Succeeded by Windows Vista (2006)

Windows XP, codenamed Whistler, is an operating system released by Microsoft in 2001. It is the successor to Windows 2000 and Me, being the first version of Windows NT intended for both businesses and home users. It has a memorable set of wallpapers, sample pictures and user account pictures, including the iconic Bliss, one of the most viewed photos on Earth due to it being the default wallpaper and XP’s popularity. Also notable are Red moon desert, taken by Bliss’ Charles O’Rear, Autumn, which was the subject of a Vanity Fair article and the branding wallpaper. It would be followed by Windows Vista in 2006, after years of its messy development.


Wallpapers [ edit | edit source ]

According to Windows XP’s program manager Gregory Raiz, the wallpapers of XP were selected «to evoke natural themes of hills, trees & sand» [1] , as Microsoft aimed for XP to look and feel more human than previous versions. The wallpapers were primarily licensed from Corbis and used a mix of royalty free and rights managed licenses, while Bliss was fully acquired from Corbis and Charles O’Rear so that no company would ever use it again. With the exception of Vortec space, the non-photographic wallpapers were created by various contractors that worked internally at Microsoft, according to Raiz through email correspondence.

Like with Windows 2000, the wallpapers are at a rather low resolution of 800×600, which became rather outdated not long after XP was released, due to screen resolutions progressively increasing. Downloadable wallpapers would later be provided in higher resolutions, while Windows Vista onwards features wallpapers at 1920×1440 and 1920×1200.

Name Original filename Licensed from Originates from Photographer/artist Notes
Ascent NBA076 Corbis Corbis Mark Karrass
Autumn CB040538 Corbis Corbis Peter Burian
Azul 60131 Corbis Westlight Bill Ross
Bliss 71810 Corbis Westlight Charles O’Rear Default wallpaper, also used as the branding image to represent Windows XP in general
Crystal desktop9 N/A contracted by Microsoft unknown
Follow 57025 Corbis Westlight Warren Morgan Known as Follow me during builds 2419 to 2463
Friend OC001023 Corbis Corbis Chris Carroll
Home la_casa unknown unknown unknown
Moon flower imagery_1 N/A contracted by Microsoft unknown
Peace abstract_1 N/A contracted by Microsoft unknown
Power low_art1 N/A contracted by Microsoft unknown
Purple flower FE001040 Corbis Corbis Andy Small
Radiance RR015686 Corbis Starlight Photo Agency Roger Ressmeyer
Red moon desert OR006712 Corbis Corbis Charles O’Rear Default wallpaper during builds 2428 to 2463
Ripple blue1 N/A contracted by Microsoft unknown
Stonehenge RR009372 Corbis Starlight Photo Agency Roger Ressmeyer
Tulips AX001448 Corbis Westlight Bill Ross
Vortec space 60054 Corbis Westlight Digital Art (Tim Alt)
Wind 11050 Corbis Westlight Jeff Vanuga
Windows XP unknown N/A contracted(?) by Microsoft unknown Logo varies depending on edition; Home Edition has a different background color
Default wallpaper of builds 2485 to 2532

Media Center Edition-exclusive [ edit | edit source ]

As Media Center Edition came with many features of Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP, its wallpapers were also included alongside the standard set, albeit with new names that reference what is depicted in the wallpaper. Most of these wallpapers appear to have been taken from Getty Images, although some were presumably taken down many years ago, leaving their origins unclear. Unlike with XP’s wallpapers, these appear to have went under noticeable edits.

Name Original filename Licensed from Originates from Photographer/artist Notes
Aquarium AQUA_1_FINAL Getty Images Tony Stone Images Stephen Frink Default wallpaper of the Aquarium theme
DaVinci comp-a3.4.1_no_arch N/A unknown unknown Default wallpaper of the da Vinci theme
Energy Bliss unknown N/A Microsoft unknown (based on Charles O’Rear’s Bliss) Default wallpaper of Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
Ocean AQUA5 Getty Images Tony Stone Images Kim Westerskov
Space SPACE6 PhotoDisc PhotoDisc unknown (credited on Getty to InterNetwork Media) Default wallpaper of the Space theme
Spring NATURE3b Getty Images The Image Bank unknown Default wallpaper of the Nature theme
StarTracks SPACE7 BLUE unknown unknown unknown
Stream NATURE4 unknown unknown unknown
Windows XP WinXPFS N/A contracted(?) by Microsoft unknown

Starter Edition [ edit | edit source ]

Starter Edition was only released in developing countries such as Latin American countries, Russia and Turkey. Each localized version of Starter Edition has around three to six wallpapers depicting national landmarks, and does not include the standard wallpaper set. Most of them come from Corbis and Getty Images and use a rights managed license, with a few being royalty free. Similar to the Home and Professional editions of Windows XP, these wallpapers have a resolution of 800×600 (with the exception of one being 801×600, likely by accident). Unlike these two editions, however, Windows XP Starter Edition includes wallpapers in the Bitmap (.bmp) file format instead of the JPEG (.jpg) file format. The practice of having regional wallpapers would be used again by Microsoft for Windows 7, where 20 countries received two themes (built-in and downloadable) consisting of six wallpapers each.

The default wallpaper is SE_neutral_wallpaper, which is completely unrelated to the default wallpaper used in most other editions. Also, due to the rarity of XP Starter Edition in several countries, not all wallpapers are known so they cannot be listed. Starter Edition was also released in sub-Saharan African countries, possibly also Egypt and other developing countries too, although no ISOs or even photos are known to exist. The Chinese release appears to have been cancelled.

Name Region Licensed from Originates from Photographer/artist Notes
Atacama_Licancabur Chile Getty Images The Image Bank Pete Turner
Auyantepui_Canaima Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela Getty Images The Image Bank Thomas Schmitt
Bengal_Tiger India Corbis Gallo Images unknown (credited on Getty to Gallo Images)
Bodrum_CastleStPeter Turkey Getty Images Tony Stone Images Robert Frerck
Borobudur Indonesia Corbis Eye Ubiquitous John Dakers
Calzada_de_los_Muertos Mexico Corbis Westlight Randy Faris
Cameron Malaysia Getty Images Getty Images Walter Bibikow
Canal_de_Panama Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama Getty Images Tony Stone Images Will & Deni McIntyre
Cerros_Torre_y_Fitz_Roy Argentina Corbis Corbis Theo Allofs
Colonia Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay Corbis Corbis Jan Butchofsky
Dunagiri India Corbis Corbis Christophe Boisvieux Later reused as the default wallpaper of Windows Starter 2007
Ephesus_Hadrian Turkey Getty Images Tony Stone Images Robert Frerck
Floriano_Falls Brazil Getty Images Getty Images Stephen Simpson
N/A Hinh ve 1 Vietnam unknown unknown unknown Has not surfaced yet; appearance currently unknown
Isla_Providencia Colombia Corbis Corbis Macduff Everton At 801×600 instead of 800×600
Isla_Saona Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama Corbis Corbis Richard Beckel
Jakarta Indonesia Getty Images Getty Images Keith MacGregor
Kuala_Lumpur_Blue Malaysia Corbis Corbis unknown (credited on Getty to Casa Productions)
Kuala_Lumpur_Purple Malaysia Getty Images The Image Bank Peter Adams
Lake_Bratan Indonesia Corbis Corbis Paul Russell
Machu_Picchu Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela Getty Images Getty Images unknown (credited on Getty to itself) Appears to be flipped horizontally in one screenshot, likely of a pre-release version
Mahabalipuram India Corbis Corbis Charles & Josette Lenars
N/A Mau Vietnam unknown unknown unknown Has not surfaced yet; appearance currently unknown
N/A Những chiếc thuyền Vietnam unknown unknown unknown Has not surfaced yet; appearance currently unknown
Obelisco Argentina Getty Images Tony Stone Images Robert Frerck Advertisements are blurred out, likely due to copyright issues
Ouro_Preto_Minas_Gerais Brazil Getty Images Getty Images Fernando Bueno
PLAZA INDEPENDENCIA, MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY (not the filename) Uruguay Getty Images The Image Bank Thomas Schmitt Has not surfaced yet; filename currently unknown, so image provided is a fan edited version
This was most likely exclusive to a pre-release version
Pamukkale Turkey Getty Images Tony Stone Images David C Tomlinson
Parque_Nacional_los_Glaciares Argentina Corbis Corbis Mark Karrass
Peter_the_Great Russia Corbis Corbis Steve Raymer
Piramide_del_Sol Mexico Corbis Westlight Randy Faris
Puerta_del_Reloj_Cartagena Colombia Corbis Corbis Jan Butchofsky
Rano_Raraku Chile Getty Images Getty Images Walter Bibikow
Rara_Avis_Preserve Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama Getty Images Tony Stone Images Stuart Westmorland
Rio_de_Paraguay Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay Corbis Corbis Buddy Mays
Royal Palace at Dusk (not the filename) Thailand Corbis Corbis Jeremy Horner Has not surfaced yet; filename currently unknown, so image provided is of the original photo
Russia, Moscow, Red Square, St. Basil’s cathedral at dusk (not the filename) Russia Getty Images Tony Stone Images David Sutherland Has not surfaced yet; filename currently unknown, so image provided is a fan edited version
This was most likely exclusive to a pre-release version
San_Agustin Colombia Corbis Corbis Diego Lezama Orezzoli
Santiago Chile Getty Images Getty Images Walter Bibikow
SE_neutral_wallpaper Generic N/A Microsoft unknown
St_Basils_and_Kremlin Russia Corbis Corbis Galen Rowell
Sugarloaf_Mountain Brazil Getty Images Tony Stone Images Ary Diesendruck
Taj_Mahal India Corbis Corbis Jim Zuckerman
Templo_del_Inca_Isla_del_Sol Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay Corbis Corbis Alison Wright
Thung lũng Mai Châu Vietnam Getty Images The Image Bank unknown Has not surfaced yet; image provided is a fan edited version
Tulum Mexico Corbis Corbis Danny Lehman
Vịnh Hạ Long Vietnam Getty Images Iconica Frans Lemmens Has not surfaced yet; image provided is of the original photo
winter_village Russia Getty Images Tony Stone Images Demetrio Carrasco
Zuleta Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela Corbis Corbis Pablo Corral Vega

Embedded Standard and POSReady 2009 [ edit | edit source ]

In 2008, Microsoft released newer embedded versions of XP. POSReady 2009 features three wallpapers: one with no logo, one with a small logo and one with a large logo.
[table will be done soon]

Sample pictures [ edit | edit source ]

Compared to 2000 and Me which featured one sample picture, XP features a selection of four. All four were royalty free Corbis images, three of which were available from royalty free CDs, with the other one seemingly being online only. Similar to the wallpapers, all of these images have a resolution of 800×600.


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